It is easy to see why Lilies were one of the first cultivated plants, these elegant, simple flowers are stunning, and renowned as a symbol of purity. With a multide of varieties and colours to choose from, our local florists provide ethically sourced, sustainable flowers that are ideal whatever the occassion.It is easy to see why Lilies were one of the first cultivated plants, these elegant, simple flowers are stunning, and renowned as a symbol of purity. With a multide of varieties and colours to choose from, our local florists provide ethically sourced, sustainable flowers that are ideal whatever the occassion.


It is easy to see why Lilies were one of the first cultivated plants, these elegant, simple flowers are stunning, and renowned as a symbol of purity. With a multide of varieties and colours to choose from, our local florists provide ethically sourced, sustainable flowers that are ideal whatever the occassion.

Showing 1-10 of 10 results
Pearly Whites is made up of exquisite white lilies and roses. This refined white themed floral arrangement is ideal for home decor and any occasion. This can be delivered the same day or the following day and will be handcrafted by your local artisan florist.
Next available delivery, 23 Dec

Pearly Whites

£49.99 £46.99
Sweet Memories is one of our customer's top picks. This vibrant bouquet features Germini, Lily and Roses that are ideal for any occasion. Send this blushing bouquet to the person you're thinking.
Next available delivery, 23 Dec

Sweet Memories

£49.99 £46.99
Beautiful fresh pink lilies with green foliage make up our Pink Lily Bouquet bouquet. Let someone know you are thinking of them with a sophisticated and timeless present that is hand crafted by our local florist.
Next available delivery, 23 Dec
Our classy and fragrant White lily arrangement makes a lovely gift for any occasion. This may also make a wonderful interior design. This is handcrafted and available for same-day and next-day delivery by our skilled florist.
Next available delivery, 23 Dec
Our Mum's Delight bouquet features an elegant display of lilies and roses, and is the perfect way to express your emotions in style. Pink flowers are perfect for sending that someone special a beautiful message of love and our same day delivery make these the ideal last minute Mother's Day flowers. This bouquet will be handcrafted by an experienced florist, and delivered by hand. Please note vase not included but can be added at checkout.
Next available delivery, 23 Dec

Mum's Delight

Violet lovers? Here's a perfect bouquet for you. This combination of white and purple blossoms is a match. Our skilled florist can help you get yours with a beautiful handmade arrangement.
Next available delivery, 23 Dec

Violet Vibe

This gorgeous arrangement of golden and white flowers is hand crafted by local florists and is guaranteed to brighten anyone's day. These fresh, hand tied flowers would brighten up any space or any face!
Next available delivery, 23 Dec


Our Pure Pastel bouquet's collection of classic Germini, Antirhinum, Chrysanthemum, and Lisianthus flowers can make someone's day. We offer same-day and next-day delivery of this almost fabulous bouquet.
Next available delivery, 23 Dec

Pure Pastel

Feel pampered with our Jewels, which combines Alstroemeria and Veronica to create a sensational experience. This bouquet has a wonderful aroma that is sure to please.
Next available delivery, 23 Dec


Surprise someone with this elegant display of pink lilies and roses. This is the perfect choice for a special birthday, or a little surprise to make someone's day.
Next available delivery, 23 Dec


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